
Weld County North Jail Complex

Our Mission

The Jail will accept and lawfully hold prisoners in a safe, humane, wholesome environment that returns people to the community better, or no worse, than they arrived.

Weld County Jail

Main Entrance The Weld County Sheriff's Office is concerned about the families and friends of those in our custody. The information below is designed to provide the public with a better understanding about how the jail the works and what day-to-day life is like for those in our custody.

Detentions Division Policy Manual

Download copy: Weld County Sheriff's Office Detentions Division Manual.(PDF, 7MB)

For All Emergencies Dial 911

Bail and Bond

How it works

In most cases, people who are arrested can get out of jail by paying a bail bond that is set by the courts. Sometimes inmates will first have to appear before a judge before their bond amount is set.

Bail is the amount of money a judge believes will be enough to motivate someone come to appear for their future court dates. Bond is how the bail money is guaranteed to the court.

Legal rights related to posting money bond pursuant to section 16-4-102, Colorado Revised Statutes.

1. Bond fees, booking fees, and other fees or debts never need to be paid to secure a person's release on money bond. A payor need only pay the bond amount in order to secure release.

2. While never a basis to hold a defendant in jail, the following fees are chargeable as a debt to the defendant after release if the payor chooses not to pay the fees at the time of bonding: a $10 bond fee and a maximum 3.5% credit card payment fee. No other bond-related fees may be charged at any time, including any kiosk fees or fees for payment by cash, check, or money order.

3. Bond payments are to be made out to the holding county and are never to be made out in the name of the incarcerated person.

4. A sheriff must release a defendant within six hours after a personal recognizance bond is set and the defendant has returned to jail or within six hours after a cash bond has been set and the defendant has returned to jail and the defendant or surety notified the jail that bond is prepared to be posted, unless extraordinary circumstances exist. In the event of a delay of more than six hours, a surety and the defendant have a right to know what, if any, extraordinary circumstance is causing the delay. Supervisory conditions of release do not justify a delay in release; except that a sheriff may hold a defendant for up to 24 hours if necessary to ensure a defendant is fitted with required electronic monitoring.

5. Anyone who posts a money bond has the right to receive a copy of the bond paperwork, including documentation of the next upcoming court date.

6. A surety may never be asked to use posted bond money to pay a defendant's debts. Only when defendants have posted their own money bond may they be asked if they would like to voluntarily relinquish bond money to pay their debts. Relinquishment of bond money by a defendant to pay a debt is never required and is entirely a voluntary choice by the defendant.

To file a complaint of a violation of the above subsections

  1. Complete a complaint form (available at any WCSO location or from a member in the field) and drop it off or mail it to the Professional Standards Lieutenant, or
  2. Complete and submit a complaint form online.

Click here to download a copy of the Inmate Reception Policy(PDF, 23KB) 

Derechos legales relacionados con la publicación de bonos monetarios de conformidad con la sección 16-4-102, colorado revisó los estatutos

1. Tarifas de bonos, tarifas de reserva y otras tarifas o las deudas nunca necesitan ser pagadas para asegurar la de una persona liberación en fianza de dinero. Un pagador sólo tiene que pagar el monto de la fianza para asegurar la liberación.

2. Aunque nunca es una base para mantener a un acusado en la cárcel, las siguientes tarifas son cobrables como una deuda a la acusado después de la liberación si el pagador    decide no hacerlo pagar los honorarios en el momento de la fianza: una tarifa de fianza  de $ 10 y una tarifa máxima de pago con tarjeta de crédito del 3.5%. Sin otro los honorarios relacionados con los bonos pueden cobrarse en cualquier momento, incluyendo cualquier tarifa de quiosco o tarifas para el pago en efectivo, cheque, o giro postal.

3. Los pagos de las obligaciones se efectuarán a la condado de tenencia y nunca deben ser   hechos hacia fuera en el nombre de la persona encarcelada.

4. Un sheriff debe liberar a un acusado dentro de los seis horas después de que se establezca    una fianza de reconocimiento personal y el acusado ha regresado a la cárcel o dentro de seis horas después de que se haya fijado una fianza en efectivo y el acusado ha vuelto a la cárcel y el acusado o la garantía notificó a la cárcel que la fianza está    preparada para ser publicado, a menos que sea extraordinario

En caso de retraso superior a seis horas, a la garantía y el demandado tienen derecho a saber qué, en su caso, circunstancias extraordinarias están causando la demorar. Las condiciones de supervisión de la liberación no

Justificar un retraso en la liberación; excepto que un sheriff puede retener a un acusado por hasta 24 horas si es necesario para asegúrese de que un demandado esté equipado con el electrónico requerido Monitorización.

5. Cualquier persona que publique un bono monetario tiene derecho a recibir una copia de la documentación de la fianza, incluyendo documentación de la próxima fecha de corte.

6. Nunca se le puede pedir a un caución que use publicado dinero de la fianza para pagar las deudas de un acusado. Sólo cuando los acusados han publicado su propia fianza de dinero puede se les preguntará si les gustaría hacerlo voluntariamente renunciar al dinero de los bonos para pagar sus deudas. Renuncia al dinero de la fianza por un acusado para pagar una deuda nunca es necesaria y es totalmente voluntaria elección del demandado.

Para presentar una queja de una violación de las subsecciones anteriores

  1. Complete un formulario de queja (disponible en cualquier ubicación de WCSO o de un miembro en el campo) y déchelo o envíelo por correo al Teniente de Estándares Profesionales, o
  2. Complete y envíe un formulario de queja en línea.

Payment Methods

There are different types of bonds with the two most common being cash and surety bonds. You must have cash, or cashier's check to post a cash bond. Cashier’s checks and money orders must be payable to the Weld County Sheriff's Office. Tell us if you want your name on a cash bond you post so the money will be returned to you when the court releases the bond. If the person does not go to court when they are supposed to, the court has the authority to seize the cash.

Cash bonds can also be paid online with a credit card. You will need the inmate's name, date of birth, case number and the FULL BOND AMOUNT. Use this link to pay by credit card.

Surety bonds are posted by a third party known as a bondsperson. Google "bail bonds Weld County" to find a local bail bondsperson or search in the Yellow Pages under "bail bonds." Bondspersons charge a fee to post an inmate's bond. Those fees are non-refundable.

Local Bail Bonds Phone List

A Affordable Bail Bonds (970) 392-9959

A A Jason's Bail Bonds (970) 356-7950

A-1 Bail Bonds (970) 352-2777

Alda Pauline's Bail Bonds

Ron's Bail Bonds Company (970) 557-4103 or (970) 445-2126 or (970) 400-7977 or (970) 351-6734

All American Bail Bonds (970) 356-6776

All Day All Night Bail Bonds (970) 356-4300 or (970) 356-5353

A Seasons Bail Bonds (970) 352-8660

ASAP Bail Bonds (970) 378-7878 or (970) 353-9999

Bail America (970) 356-2245

Code 4 Bail Bonds (970) 691-0573 or (970) 352-8660

Eron INC (970) 352-9411

Goodfella's Bail Bond LLC (970) 353-9559 or (970) 673-8625

Judicial Bail Bonds II LLC 303) 725-3587 or (970) 691-9193

McCarther Bail Bonds (970) 702-2100

Tami's AA Bail Bonds (970) 282-0591

Weld County Bail Bonds (970) 356-5353 or (970) 356-4300

24 Hour Bail Bonds (970) 352-8888

Jail Visitation Schedule



The Weld County North Jail Complex has transitioned from Securus to Viapath!

As of March 5, 2024, we began using tablets with messaging, phone calling, video visits, mail scanning and much more!

The Weld County Sheriff’s Office and ViaPath Technologies are committed to creating a smooth transition for you. With this change, ViaPath will be the NEW provider of tablet and phone services at the Weld County North Jail Complex. These new services include phone calls, messages, video visitation, mail scanning, and more.

How to set up your account:

Set up your accounts on ConnectNetwork.com and GettingOut.com:

ConnectNetwork.com – Here you will create and fund your AdvancePay Account that will allow inmates to only call your phone number. This allows you to be in control of your deposits.

GettingOut.com – Here you will be able to create and fund your account to be used for visitation and sending messages. You will also be able to deposit funds into the inmate's tablet account for visitation and messaging.

Web Accessibility Initiative

Set up an account to schedule visits with an inmate

Mail Scanning – This is a NEW service that will scan your letter and pictures and deliver them digitally to their tablets. You will need to send all personal mail, letters, pictures, etc. to this NEW address.

Your inmates must now be addressed to:

Weld County Sheriff – North Jail Complex, CO

Inmate Name, Inmate ID

P.O. Box 247

Phoenix, MD 21131

Here is an example of how your mail should look:

Weld County Sheriff - North Jail Complex, CO

John Smith, #111111

P.O. Box 247

Phoenix, MD 21131

One more thing…

Make sure to download our apps so you can set up your accounts and start sending offender deposits via our mobile apps and at www.GettingOut.com. You can also scan the QR Codes in the second photo of this post for the ConnectNetwork Apps and the GettingOut App.

To reach customer service call, (877) 650-4249.




Professional Visitation

The Weld County Sheriff's Office and the Weld County Jail are recognized as a professional environment. Professional visitors are expected to wear appropriate attire and be well groomed during the performance of their job while conducting business at the Weld County Jail.

The Detentions Division of the Weld County Sheriff's Office has provided the information below as a guide for professional visitors wishing to conduct business at the Weld County Jail.

Appropriate Attire: Clean, pressed clothing in good repair that is neither bizarre, flamboyant, nor casual, which one would expect to see worn in a professional office setting. Ties are not required.

Examples of appropriate attire:

Men: Suits, slacks, with a dress or sport shirt with appropriate footwear and socks. Ties are optional.

Women: Dresses or skirts to knee length or longer, slacks with dress blouse, knit or polo shirts with collars, oxford shirts with collars, professional looking collarless shirts, sweaters/cardigans, blazers/jackets, and turtlenecks. Shoes with a closed toe and an enclosed heel or heel strap.

Inappropriate attire: Clothing that reveals cleavage, back, chest, stomach or underwear. Clothing that is worn from wear, faded, un-hemmed, frayed, is torn, has holes, is dirty or badly wrinkled. Additionally, shorts, crop or gaucho pants, workout attire, tank tops, sweat suits, all plastic or rubber footwear, canvas flip flops, athletic shoes, skater shoes, blue denim jeans, skirts shorter than knee length, cargo pants, strapless dresses, sweatpants, spandex shorts, leotards, sundresses, halter tops with bare shoulders, and jogging/wind/warm-up suits. T-shirts unless worn under another blouse, shirt, jacket, or dress (included as inappropriate would be t-shirts with slogans, terms, pictures, or cartoons printed on them). Hats are not appropriate in the Weld County Jail.

Professional visitors are encouraged to conceal tattoos with clothing whenever possible.

It is the responsibility of each professional visitor to dress appropriately and professionally at all times when conducting business in the Weld County Jail.

If a professional visitor is found to be in violation of this dress code, the professional visitor may be refused entry and/or asked to leave the Weld County Jail until corrections in attire are made.

Information Needed to Visit

  • Personal visits are set up through the Visitor Web 

Each adult visitor must have their own registration. Each registrant must submit:

  1. A clear copy of their valid driver’s license, state ID or other valid government picture ID.
  2. A profile picture of registering visitor.
  • No one else in the photo.
  • No use of Snapchat/Photo filters.
  • No hats, sunglasses, bandanas or inappropriate attire.

Once a registration is approved, the visitor will set their own visits.

For questions or issues registering an account or setting visits, call Viapath customer service at 877-650-4249.

Onsite visits – No cost

Inmate is allowed a total of two onsite visits per week.

Visits are capped at 30 minutes.

Only the registered visitor and up to two approved minors are allowed at the visit.                                                             

Remote visits – $0.20 per minute

Inmates are permitted unlimited remote visits.

Visits are capped at 30 minutes.

Any number of people can participate in a remote visit, so long as the registered visitor is always present.

Visitation schedule

Visits must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance and can be scheduled to up to one week in advance.

Remote Visiting Hours:

  • Monday-Saturday 8:00 AM- 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM, 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
  • Sunday- 8:00 AM-9:30 AM, 12:00-5:30 PM, 8:00 PM-10:00 PM

Onsite Visiting Hours:

  • Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-9:30 AM, 12:00-1:30 PM, 3:30-5:30 PM
  • Saturday 8:30 AM-9:30 AM, 12:00-1:30 PM, 3:30 PM-4:30 PM

Except for the noon to 3 p.m. lockdown period, morning, afternoon and evening sessions are available for both onsite and remote visits.

Besides lockdown, remote visits can be scheduled between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. Sunday through Saturday.

Besides lockdown, onsite visits can be scheduled between 8 a.m. and 7:40 p.m. Monday through Saturday. There are no onsite visits on Sundays.

Visitation Rules

Onsite visits

Rules for onsite visits include, but are not limited to:

  1. Valid ID is required at the time of check-in for all onsite visits.  No exceptions. No photocopies allowed. Name and date of birth must match what is on the registration.
  2. Only the registered adult and two minors are allowed to participate in an onsite visit. The adult must be a parent or legal guardian of the minors. Proof of guardianship may be requested at any time.
  3. Children can’t be left unattended at the visitation monitor or in the lobby area at any time.
  4. No unauthorized persons at the monitors.
  5. No pets allowed in the jail.
  6. No inappropriate attire, including:
    1. No spaghetti straps, strapless tops or tanks tops – for both male and female visitors.
    2. No revealing clothing, including low cut and see-through tops (i.e. no cleavage).
    3. No nudity or flashing will be tolerated.
    4. No gang clothing or colors.
    5. No clothing promoting alcohol or drugs.
    6. No food or drinks at the visitation monitors.
    7. No hats or bandanas.
  7. No cellphones or cameras allowed at the visitation monitors.
  8. On-site visits may be canceled due to inclement weather.
  9. No onsite visits on New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

Remote visits

Rules for remote visits include, but are not limited to:

  1. Scheduled visitor must be on the visit at all times.
  2. Scheduled visitor is responsible for the behavior of all others accompanying them on their visit.
  3. Children are not to be left unattended at any time.
  4. All visitors must be appropriately dressed, including children.
  5. No inappropriate attire, including:
    1. No spaghetti straps, strapless tops or tanks tops – for both male and female visitors.
    2. No revealing clothing, including low cut and see-through tops (i.e. no cleavage).
    3. No nudity or flashing will be tolerated.
    4. No gang clothing or colors.
    5. No clothing promoting alcohol or drugs.
    6. No food or drinks at the visitation monitors.
    7. No hats or bandanas.
  6. No use of cellphones to call others while on the visit.
  7. No video cameras allowed.
  8. No driving during the visit. Driving during your visit is cause for immediate termination.

Any violation of these rules or any form of disruptive behavior could be grounds to terminate a visit early or to ban visitors for six months to one year. 

All visits are monitored and recorded.

Minor Visitors

A parent or legal guardian must accompany all visitors under the age of 18. Only one adult visitor and two minor children may visit an inmate during a scheduled appointment.


What Happens First?

New prisoners are questioned and observed right away to find out if they need immediate medical or mental health care. A telephone call is allowed as soon as possible unless the prisoner is violent.

A nurse and a counselor will talk with a new prisoner within a short time. The nurse finds out if they need to see a doctor, take prescriptions or have other medical problems. The counselor finds out if they are thinking of hurting themselves or need some other help with their mental health.

Counselors "classify" prisoners who don't get out of jail within 24 hours to find out where they should be housed. A prisoner's current charges, past history, behavior and other factors are checked so only prisoners with similar backgrounds are housed together. That helps keep everyone safe and secure. Even then, anyone who feels afraid of someone else needs to tell staff.


All mail is scanned and delivered digitally by a third party. To send mail to an inmate at the Weld County Jail it should be addressed as shown below:

Weld County Jail- North Jail Complex, CO

Inmate Name, Inmate ID

P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

 Legal mail and personal mail containing and clearly labeled containing a government-issued check, money order or cashier’s check should be addressed as shown below:

Inmate's Name

Weld County Jail
2110 O Street
Greeley, CO 80631

 All mail is screened before it is delivered digitally to an inmate. Mail without a return address is not opened and returned to the U.S. Post Office. For security reasons, we cannot accept packages, food, snacks, stamped envelopes, stamps, construction paper, newspapers, magazines, books or items made with glitter, clippings or anything made with glue, cards that have paper inserts or items that pop out. Items not accepted will be returned. Mail that is deemed not legal nor containing a government issued check, money order or cashier’s check as described above will be returned.

Postage-paid envelopes and larger envelopes may be purchased through commissary. Indigent inmates will receive one free envelope per week. Indigent inmates are defined as inmates with a balance of less than $0.68 on their inmate account for 30 or more consecutive days.

Update: As of February 2024, The Weld County Sheriff's Office jail is no longer accepting books that are shipped into the facility. 

Inmate Money Account

An account is opened for an inmate at the time they arrive at the jail. Money in this account is used by the inmate to pay for medical visits and buy commissary. Commissary includes things the jail does not issue like playing cards, snacks, portable radios, deodorant, etc. 

To put money in an inmate’s account, you can mail a money order or make a deposit to Access SecureDeposits via a lobby kiosk, the phone, and the Internet. There is a $4 fee to use Access SecureDeposits. Jail employees cannot accept cash or personal checks to deposit into an inmate's account.

  • Money orders must be made out to the Weld County Sheriff’s Office and can be sent to 2110 O St., Greeley, CO 80631. Make sure the inmate's name is written in the “for” or “remarks” section of the money order. Cash or personal checks are not accepted.
  • A Lobby Kiosk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and accepts cash only. Bills larger than $1 are accepted.
  • Phone deposits are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact a bi-lingual Customer Service Representative at 1-866-345-1884 who accepts deposits from debit cards and credit cards.
  • Online deposits are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at https://www.accesscorrections.com Money can be transferred to an inmate's account online using a debit or credit card.

Access SecureDeposits provides the most affordable and reliable way to deposit funds into an inmate's account. Please keep your receipt once a deposit is made. For all questions or problems concerning the kiosk, phone, or internet services contact customer support at 1-866-345-1884. Have your receipt ready when you call.

Friends/Family Funded Tablet Accounts

Please contact Viapath’s Customer Service Department at (866-516-0115) to request a refund.

Refunds are processed back to the payment method with which they were made by Friends/Family:

  1. If credit / debit card was used, then funds will be refunded back to that card.
  2. If cash, Money Order or MoneyGram was used, refunds will be made in form of a check. 




Staff cannot give messages to inmates. If you have an emergency message, telephone the jail and ask for an on-duty commander. Even emergency messages have to be verified before being given to an inmate.


There are two options for speaking with inmates at the Weld County Jail.

• Prepaid AdvancePay® Account: When you create an AdvancePay account, you’re creating a prepaid collect calling service that allows an inmate to call your phone number using deposited funds. After you set up an AdvancePay account, you can start adding money and receiving phone calls. As long as you have a balance for at least a one-minute call in your account, you can receive a call at any time. To create your AdvancePay account and deposit funds please visit Connect Network

• Collect calls: Collect calls can be billed to your telephone bill if you have a landline phone that can accept collect calls and the account is in good standing with the provider. The majority of customers do not qualify for this type of account, including customers with VOIP accounts, cell phones, or collect call blocks on their account.

Customer Service Information

Hours of operation: 24/7

AdvancePay Accounts: (800) 483-8314

Customer Service: (877) 650-4249

Only collect call telephones are available to inmates. All personal telephone calls are recorded. A fee is billed to the person called for every call accepted. 

Talk time is limited to 15 minutes per call. Calls cannot be made to international numbers and will disconnect if a computer believes you are trying to forward a call to someone else or have a portable phone. 

If you accept a lot of calls, the cost will quickly add up on your phone bill. We encourage you to write letters and visit in person, so you don't spend a lot of money.

You can have your telephone number blocked so it cannot be called from jail by asking an on-duty supervisor. The block will stay until you call the on-duty supervisor to have it removed.

Day to Day Activities

Inmate Life

Meeting Area

Housing units, called "pods," are made up of several individual rooms connected to a large room. A correctional officer works inside each housing unit 24 hours a day. Individual rooms can have one bed or more. A housing unit may hold as many as 80 inmates.

Inmates have to stay in their room or cell with the door closed or locked several times a day. This is called a "lock down" period. Even with lock downs, inmates are still outside their individual room or cell about 10 hours every day.

A nurse is always in the building. Clinics with the jail physician and dentist are available several times each week. Co-payments are charged for appointments not required by a nurse. If you have important information about an inmate's medical or mental health, call the jail and ask to speak to the medical unit.

Three nutritionally balanced meals are served every day and recreation time is scheduled several times each week. There are both indoor and outdoor gyms.

An in-house library is available. Inmates are allowed to check out up to two books each week.

All basic hygiene supplies and clothing are issued by the jail. Some inmates have to wash their own underclothing, but uniforms and bedding are washed and regularly exchanged by the jail. Inmates are expected to shower at least twice weekly and may ask for a razor to shave. Haircuts may be available at cost.

Programs are offered for self-improvement. An inmate needs to talk with a counselor to find out what might be available.

A grievance procedure is available to inmates if they have a complaint or a problem. The grievance procedure is described in The Inmate Handbook available in each housing unit.